The Golden Age of Murder: 3 lists

Currently reading The Golden Age of Murder: The mystery of the writers who invented the modern detective story on Shedunnit's recommendation. This is a book I want to turn over in my mind a lot, so I'm making notes and setting aside time to reflect on it as I go. It's evident that this story… Continue reading The Golden Age of Murder: 3 lists

a century too late

The old Cincinnati Library, 1874-1955 Most of the first half of this year was given over to a much longer than expected job search and its attendant stresses. I'm finally set to become a Midwesterner again after spending all of my young adulthood so far in the Deep South. For one thing, I'm so happy… Continue reading a century too late

January reads

Ivana Carman (It Never Leaves Me, 2019) As a new-ish Virago fan, I have read a whole lot of books written by English-speaking (usually English) white women in the mid-20th century. One of my reading goals for January was to branch out and read more books by people (well, women; that prejudice isn't going anywhere)… Continue reading January reads


My reading life has followed a similar trajectory to many of my peers': avid reading habits were replaced by mostly unregulated Internet habits. I'm sure there are more robust explanations for the phenomenon of millennial former bookworms who struggle with reading as young adults, going beyond the rise of smartphones to the entangled phenomenon of… Continue reading introduction